Welcome to the show where Craig & Jeremy talk about absolutely nothing, but spend a considerable amount of time doing so.
The boys are full of salt and vinegar again this week complaining about Trump, white men (yes, they are that, too), Uber and pretty much everything else. Jeremy admits to having a new wife-approved crush and Craig inadvertently stumbled onto something great.
You can shoot an email or a voice memo to: eurekapodcast@gmail.com
Give us a call if something strikes your fancy: 620-270-1378
Show: @eurekapodcast
Jeremy: @aintnoswayze
Craig: @anaveragegatsby
The closing song is "The Hamilton Polka" by Weird Al.
Direct Download Link: http://traffic.libsyn.com/eurekapodcast/EP_256.mp3
Rss feed here: http://eurekapodcast.libsyn.com/rss
iTunes link here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/eureka-podcast/id604700544
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